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GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd. signs an industry-diverse list of new Dayton area clients.

In Local News on December 27, 2021 at 5:29 pm

December 27, 2021 – Jamestown, Ohio -GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd. (GLD (http://gldcommunications.com)), founder, and creative director, Gery Deer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerydeer/), has announced his firm has signed several new, high-profile local clients to kick-off an aggressive start to 2022. The new clientele adds to an already industry-diverse book of business that serves non-profits to mortgage lenders and launches an anniversary first quarter for the privately-held, Greene County, Ohio-based public relations and media communications firm.

“We’re excited to be working with local organizations, which are mostly underserved by regional agencies who are often too busy trying to make a name with big, out-of-state clients,” Deer said. “Our PR and media services have a national reach, but I prefer to focus our work here at home, to maintain low overhead low and put our resources into serving the clients. I think clients deserve effective work, at a competitive cost, from a hometown agency that understands both their mission and their audience.”

As a result, GLD has turned its attention to the Dayton region, with work that varies both in industry and scope. In mid-December, the company became the public relations (PR) agency of record for the Beaver Creek Wetlands Association. The non-profit organization helps to preserve and protect the wetlands and in Greene County, Ohio region through conservation, education, recreational opportunities, and stewardship. 

Additionally, the Beavercreek Chamber of Commerce has also been signed as a technology and media communications consulting client. The agency assists with media production and technology issues and will play a role in the development and production of the chamber’s annual meeting in March.

Lastly, Young’s Jersey Dairy will be a featured title sponsor on the agency’s house production, “3-2-1 PROFITS – THE PODCAST (http://321profitspodcast.com).” Dan Young and his son John will be featured as part of a 2-part premiere of the program’s second season, dropping January 15th. As part of this project, GLD will serve as a media consultant for a proposed podcast from Young’s covering agricultural and related industry topics.

GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd., was founded in 1997 by Gery L. Deer of Jamestown, Ohio, as part-time information technology and public relations firm. Less than a year later, the company had a full-time volume of sales and annual revenue that far outstripped Deer’s previous day job. Media Director Julie Barth joined the firm in 2019 to head up the audio-video department and helped to expand the firm’s capacity for full media production, including the development of several in-house productions, such as, “3-2-1 PROFITS – THE PODCAST.”

GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd.
Creative Director, Gery Deer

Thanks to its creative structure and fully-remote staff, the agency was already positioned to thrive during the pandemic and continued throughout to service and onboard new work. Deer announced this latest list of work as the company prepares to launch its 25th-anniversary celebration that will run through Q1 of 2022. The commemoration will include a series of specially-themed public relations and audio-video production packages leading up to an exclusive live event in March and the relaunch of one of the company’s original services (TBA), and a few other surprises.

For more information or to learn more about GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd., please call 937-675-6169 or visit gldcommunications.com (http://gldcommunications.com). Full details on services and promotions through the Beavercreek Chamber of Commerce here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw7_eJBwiE8&t=36s